Doesn't even use a mm, buyers bewaree! Seemed to of wanted a mm before? why not now? Seemed to of wanted a mm before? why not now?
Pain said:You talk shit about FK then try to sell this tag on here.
Dude, think before you speak, that was an idiotic statement.Beats said:This account has 11110 gamerscore and no games played.. hacker much? It might be banned anyways for the gamer score mods
Oldie said:Accepting paypal now.
Hit me up :3
Beats said:This account has 11110 gamerscore and no games played.. hacker much? It might be banned anyways for the gamer score mods
Transform™ said:I'll do $70 PP if he uses MM. HMTFU!!
Transform™ said:I'll do $70 PP if he uses MM. HMTFU!!