Gold City Services [Recruiting] [4-5 Spots]

Name (Personal or Forum):Cridential or Teknologyy
Position Applying for:Gold Farming
What makes you good at it:Cause i make like 15m a day botting
Why should I choose you:i love to make money and i love helping people and i wanna sell gold for cheap so i can dontate to runegear also :)
Automatic Coding said:
*cough* *cough*

Lol yeh, I needed the 120 for herb on my main :) but my pure needs claws <3

Anyways thanks Zangrefia for accepting me into the team, I sware I will do my job the way it's ment to be done and that i will not brake any of the TOS
Name (Personal or Forum): EpiK
Age: 16
Position Applying for: Powerleveler, Pest Control
What makes you good at it: I fuck shit up at Pest control because its so easy and i can easily powerlevel as long as it isn't something stupid like 1-99 -_-
Why should I choose you: Because im awesome <3


I don't have a paypal currently so i would have to have you hold the payment and then convert it to gold or something like that. We could work something out :p
Name (Personal or Forum): Crust
Age: 16
Position Applying for: Gold seller.
What makes you good at it: Well, I always have a shit load of gold.
Why should I choose you: Because, I'm a hard-worker and i always stay dedicated.

Well, Tell me what a gold-seller would have to do?
Name (Personal or Forum): Brian
Age: 15
Position Applying for: Powerlevelling
What makes you good at it: I have a fast computer and high tier of Internet, and I leave my computer on all day. Which causes my battery to die to the point where if I unplug it it dies in a few minutes
Why should I choose you: I am trustworvey
Name (Personal or Forum): Joey or Entitled
Age: 16
Position Applying for: Pest control
What makes you good at it: I used to do a service over at fuckjagex
Why should I choose you: I'm very fast and efficient. I don't play around when things need to get done. I am available with the following contacts MSN|Skype w/ Mic | Aim | ICQ | Jabber.
Name (Personal or Forum): Inxy
Age: 18
Position Applying for: Powerleveling
What makes you good at it: I have every paid bot and I have a very good knowledge in runescape
Why should I choose you: I have Custom built computer that can run 10-20 bots
Name (Personal or Forum):Suidacra1337
Age: 17
Position Applying for: Gold Seller
What makes you good at it: i have sold about 500Mil on this forum and about 200mil outside this forum so i know what i do. I will be able to get like 50-100Mil a week.
Why should I choose you: Hmm don't know just because i sold alot?:p
Name (Personal or Forum): Vision, Mickel
Position Applying for: Powerleveler and Goldfarmer:)
What makes you good at it: In powerleveling i am good at the xp rates so i know what is best for that skill. And for goldfarming well i know good money spots.
Why should I choose you: I need work to do, since my income from playing online is quite low:p
2 things... I am not online always and I don't know how fast a power leveler should be. But here's my apply then.
Name (Personal or Forum): Max
Age: 15
Position Applying for: Powerleveler, or Barbarian Assault
What makes you good at it: That I think I am quick. I can try to proof it, but I don't know how though. Also, I am 100 % legit.
Why should I choose you: Well, I think I am pretty quick. But it depends, cause I don't know how quick you have to be.
Though, I can sell gold, if I can sell someone else's gold xD.
PM'd those who I accepted.
Name (Personal or Forum):Chris


Position Applying for:I can complete tasks such as Torso's and void easily legit.

What makes you good at it: I used to do this as a service before

Why should I choose you:because if you choose me I could efficiently Carrie out orders and do defenders as well.
Name (Personal or Forum): Mitchell - WetRain
Position Applying for:Gold Farmer Powerlevelers.
What makes you good at it: I have 8 years of runescape experience and I know how to make GP very fast legit, and I also know where to train stats, as well as what to gain xp from.
Why should I choose you: Because I have a lot of experience on Runescape, I'm trustworthy, I have no scamming records, I am reliable, and I can work long hours.
Name (Personal or Forum): Carbon
Age: 22
Position Applying for: Farmer, Seller, Powerleveler
What makes you good at it: I own a home built dedi, and I've gone my fair share of sales.
Why should I choose you: I saved your RG account, hoe.
Name (Personal or Forum):Adam / Hypershadow
Age: 18
Position Applying for: Gold Farmer, Gold Seller, Pest Controller, Powerleveler
What makes you good at it: I myself have probably made a legit 500mil doing all kinds of things from flax to TDs, I'm good at marketing, I have a kind, refreshing personality when dealing 1 on 1 with people, I have obtained 4 sets of Void Melee, and I have trained nearly every stat above 75 on all of my accounts combined.
Why should I choose you: