
Damn, good run Superior.

You were really getting good at GFX, sad to see you stop and quit this too.

I'm looking to sell everything and then most likely be inactive.

Thanks for the shout out man, best of luck.
Thanks Guys I'm completely done with this site man, I loved it while here just not anymore I feel as if I wasted a shit load of time on here for nothing and feel as if I should stop......

Im done with GFX too for awhile just got on to see my messages getting off shortly guys bye <3
Well it's been a good run here guys I'm permanently going offline unless I see a god tag for sale later on when I have money anyways I'm outcha
It seems like so many members are leaving. :/

Hope whatever your doing is for the best! GL! :)
I'm leaving because I wasted so much time on this site for no reason it was a waste to me in my opinion I only joined for Tags but I'm done with that, #aintaboutdatlifenomore
Superior said:
I'm leaving because I wasted so much time on this site for no reason it was a waste to me in my opinion I only joined for Tags but I'm done with that, #aintabouFatdatlifenomore
Faggy right here lol bye loser!!