I am willing to trade my Gamertag Gov for a 9 year tenure account, possibly 8. I am not interested in modded tenure, thanks!
Quad said:a 9 year is worth WAYYYY more than the GT Gov, GLWS
Haxors said:i am willing to trade gt: Bad Videos yea it is a pretty good account
Houston said:I have an acc thats been around since about 2005. I just need to remember the infoo /:
JTAG said:i offer the GT Forgotten for this tag...
Monkey D. Luffy said:Hmmm, I disagree. I know you got yours in the $150 range, and I have had offers on this quite a bit more than that. Most people here care more about nice tags than tenure.
Jon said:Quads right man, sorry but its a over priced.
Monkey D. Luffy said:Did u even read the OP? Besides, that tag is garbage.
JTAG said:well then SMD. "Pretty much only want a 9 year, possibly an 8." Just to clear that up "PRETTY MUCH" means you will accept other stuff to so how the fuck am i gonna know that you dont like my fucking tag. Eat a Fucking Dick Bitch.