Ok so I've never grown before and am starting tonight. I know you have to soak them in water over night, then put them in a moist paper towel till they germinate. Then you plant (?) and have a light on for 2 weeks straight. Anyone help out please?
But the first two weeks is light 24 hours then you switch 8 hours on, then 8 off right? And how long is the whole process then? And I know to force them. And then what you mean fertilizers and flush the soil man? @hitler thanks though manHitler said:You leave a light on them for a lot longer then 2 weeks lol. Around 7 weeks, then you go through the stage where you force them to bud. You give them 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete darkness a day for like the last 2 weeks to force them to bud. Also don't forget to give them the right fertilisers and don't overwater and also flush the soil every two weeks.
Thanks man and it's some oG I believe. I appreciate it a bunch manHitler said:What strain are you growing? All strains take a different amount of time to grow. yeah you leave them in light for 24 hours but its for like the first 5 weeks. Then you start changing the lights. Watch this, it is really detailed but it'll help.
Hey said:Thanks man and it's some oG I believe. I appreciate it a bunch man