gt- BY / Yt- Skill

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MLG Pro said:
Il bid 450 LR on this tag and 200 lr on the youtube.
Side note* hat not hating but you get so mad and take everything too seriously. Just chill.

i might sell Skill for you now. people say u bid without having the money, can u prove u have the money atleast.
Hat said:
It's fine, he is always bidding a shit ton of money on tags and then when it comes down to it he never has the money.

Why dont you not be hypocritical for once. Post proof.
And dont post the chat where i asked about your main and said nevermind, mine is better.
Please keep the unintelligent negative comments coming.
Hat said:
You don't even know what a skid is, using the term skid in this context makes you look like a complete illiterate fuck.

Lets see, Does it mean Sour Milk? Wait no thats not it, Oh wait i know wat it is, Its a clothing brand right? Wait no thats not it either, Fuck wat is it then..... Its a person who cant script and is considered a random :)
Got milk? said:
i might sell Skill for you now. people say u bid without having the money, can u prove u have the money atleast.

If your referring to the user hat, i ask that you do a little checking up on him.. read his last 20 posts or so, 95% of them are negative and lq
Dynamite said:
Lets see, Does it mean Sour Milk? Wait no thats not it, Oh wait i know wat it is, Its a clothing brand right? Wait no thats not it either, Fuck wat is it then..... Its a person who cant script :)

lol, you're sorta right, a Skid or a Skiddie is a Script kiddie, someone who takes someone elses script work, mods, Booters, etc as there own and claims it as there work, but good job :) Still in wrong context though :/
MLG Pro said:
If your referring to the user hat, i ask that you do a little checking up on him.. read his last 20 posts or so, 95% of them are negative and lq

im talking to u man :). give ur aim
/thread is gonna get junked.
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