GT: Im Greedy

idk why but for some reason i like this tag but i cant spend any money right now so glws.
No offense, but tags like this are
worth 5$ at most, GLWS though.
This tag is nice for greedy people, vouch for him he's legit.
don trash my thread i said trying to sell it and plus this isnt that bad
Vouch for this guy bought a tag off him, he's legit
We used that word alot ima hit you up ina hour
Solaℜ said:
don trash my thread i said trying to sell it and plus this isnt that bad
I'm not trashing, if I was I would have
said "this shit is garbage". The tag looks pretty sick,
but it's not worth 13$.
i dont care how much its worth i need some cash bro :)
still selling the lowest im going is 10 and do not message me saying you wont go first and you wont send as a gift you can see i havent scammed anyone before and never plan on it thanks guys :)