GT : Liberia ( PROOF )


Active Member
I am selling the GT ' Liberia '. I only take MP or trades. I have this tag just can't show proof I'm off my phone but will I tommorow. I won't go first if we need a MM poop will be used. Thanks, Offer away.
( this is a country if you didn't know )

RE: GT : Liberia

I can vouch he has this. I MM'd the deal when he got it.

RE: GT : Liberia

yo blunt would you do a mexican gt for snoop lion? you have aim?
RE: GT : Liberia

snoop lion ill make you a better deal dude i have a better tag do you have aim?
RE: GT : Liberia

Blunt said:
Fuck off my thread random trying to get this tag? Kid you have a shitty four letter I'm done.

you must be fucking retarded hes not dumb enough to trade a gt thats worth twice your gt and your making him gice you a code to? im done.
RE: GT : Liberia

Bomb said:
SnoopLion isn't worth anything close to Liberia lmao.

Gtfo random

@yours truly

Before you talk i suggest you do some research first just saying :p
RE: GT : Liberia

First ' Snoop Lion ' has a space. Second, it's long as fuck, not
Many people know about the name change. I know your asking with do you want it but it's
For my friend. He's a hardcore fan.
RE: GT : Liberia

didnt snoopdog change his name from that to snooplion bcuz hes making raska music now? jw lol
RE: GT : Liberia

Yeah he's making regea music now or however you spell it. He has a album coming out soon.
RE: GT : Liberia

yo ill give you any of these gts Tar 21s, WalIbangz, Power Balances, Retro 5s, Scatology, Stalagmites, and Western Time and a 800 for that tag my aim is [email protected] we can talk more if your intrested
thank you