GT: Narrator

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Selling gamertag "Narrator".

This tag has a month of live on it and it is a fresh account.

I don't go first, either find a mm or you go first. I'm legit...

Contact me on aim: Place

Skype - Legitimate

Proof for the whiners

Buyout - 80 LR/MP

Bid: $35 MP by Fierce

I don't accept PP!
Nice tag here bro good luck selling it bro.
Still selling hmtfu highest bid atm is 35
Still selling this! May take paypal, if trusted!
Nice tag, no where near 80$, this is a semi, if you got more than 50$ i'd shit bricks.
Hat said:
Nice tag, no where near 80$, this is a semi, if you got more than 50$ i'd shit bricks.

LOL How the fuck is this a semi? It's a real fucking word. A semi is something like Drugs are bad, or something stupid. You don't know anything about gamertags obviously. I've been in the business for quite a while now, and I know my stuff. Should be easy to sell 60+..
Hat is right it is a semi, Narrate is the oG word, Narrator is a semi.
Drugs are bad isn't even a semi. (oG: Drug | Semi: Drugs, Drugged, Drugging)
Supra said:
Hat is right it is a semi, Narrate is the oG word, Narrator is a semi.
Drugs are bad isn't even a semi. (oG: Drug | Semi: Drugs, Drugged, Drugging)

Der u go! Lol #realtalk
Supra said:
Hat is right it is a semi, Narrate is the oG word, Narrator is a semi.
Drugs are bad isn't even a semi. (oG: Drug | Semi: Drugs, Drugged, Drugging)

Actually that isn't right Narrator is the person who is Narrating.
Reguardless, its still a pretty nice tag. Worth Around 50-60 imo. I almost bought this when Deluxe From HF had it. GLWS Op.
Kill said:
Actually that isn't right Narrator is the person who is Narrating.
Narrate is the root word, not Narrator

Astral said:
Reguardless, its still a pretty nice tag. Worth Around 50-60 imo. I almost bought this when Deluxe From HF had it. GLWS Op.
Hell ya it is a sick ass tag, im just saying it isn't the oG term.
But ya, I would love to have this tag no doubt
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