GT: Narrator

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Selling gamertag "Narrator".

This tag has a month of live on it and it is a fresh account.

I don't go first, either find a mm or you go first. I'm legit...

Contact me on aim: Place

Skype - Legitimate

Proof for the whiners

Buyout - 80 LR/MP

Bid: $35 MP by Fierce

I don't accept PP!
Nice tag here bro good luck selling it bro.
Still selling this! May take paypal, if trusted!
Nice tag, no where near 80$, this is a semi, if you got more than 50$ i'd shit bricks.
Hat said:
Nice tag, no where near 80$, this is a semi, if you got more than 50$ i'd shit bricks.

LOL How the fuck is this a semi? It's a real fucking word. A semi is something like Drugs are bad, or something stupid. You don't know anything about gamertags obviously. I've been in the business for quite a while now, and I know my stuff. Should be easy to sell 60+..
Crows said:
LOL How the fuck is this a semi? It's a real fucking word. A semi is something like Drugs are bad, or something stupid. You don't know anything about gamertags obviously. I've been in the business for quite a while now, and I know my stuff. Should be easy to sell 60+..
Hat is right it is a semi, Narrate is the oG word, Narrator is a semi.
Drugs are bad isn't even a semi. (oG: Drug | Semi: Drugs, Drugged, Drugging)
Supra said:
Hat is right it is a semi, Narrate is the oG word, Narrator is a semi.
Drugs are bad isn't even a semi. (oG: Drug | Semi: Drugs, Drugged, Drugging)

Der u go! Lol #realtalk
Supra said:
Hat is right it is a semi, Narrate is the oG word, Narrator is a semi.
Drugs are bad isn't even a semi. (oG: Drug | Semi: Drugs, Drugged, Drugging)

Actually that isn't right Narrator is the person who is Narrating.
Reguardless, its still a pretty nice tag. Worth Around 50-60 imo. I almost bought this when Deluxe From HF had it. GLWS Op.
Kill said:
Actually that isn't right Narrator is the person who is Narrating.
Narrate is the root word, not Narrator

Astral said:
Reguardless, its still a pretty nice tag. Worth Around 50-60 imo. I almost bought this when Deluxe From HF had it. GLWS Op.
Hell ya it is a sick ass tag, im just saying it isn't the oG term.
But ya, I would love to have this tag no doubt
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