GT: retractor


Just wondering? :) The gt is retractor and has a year that was added like a week ago.
I'd say it's worth 10-20 because I had it for 1 month trying to sell it . And that's what I got offered.
Utah said:
I'd say it's worth 10-20 because I had it for 1 month trying to sell it . And that's what I got offered.

You're the original owner? and thanks for posting.
It's worth maximum 15$.

It's good. Worth a little more with the XBL though.
Nah I got it from acrocide for some GFX then sold it to mind .
Its worth more than 15 because of the live but I don't appralise
Mind said:
Its worth more than 15 because of the live but I don't appralise

Hello Sir, Thanks for feedback.
Acrocide said:
That is my original gamertag. I'd say it'd be worth $15-$25 since a year was added on to it.

Can you hit me up on AIM for a sec?
idk i would say 20ish? or 30.
Loyal said:
idk i would say 20ish? or 30.

Thanks for the feedback. Everyone else tooo.