"H Q"



Offer something good.
Sick tag but im just not feelin it.
I'm serious about trading so if you have something sick let me know.
Some tags I had my eye on were
I c y
S ky

Whoever has these if you're interested im down.
Haven't really looked around to see what tags are out there right now so anyone else post your offers and I'll get back to you.
If I dont reply fast enough for you just message the tag on xbl.
Don't offer something lame. Kthxbai
EDIT: I dont want to sell it, only for trade, sorry.
Jumper said:

Offer something good.
Sick tag but im just not feelin it.
I'm serious about trading so if you have something sick let me know.
Some tags I had my eye on were
I c y
S ky

Whoever has these if you're interested im down.
Haven't really looked around to see what tags are out there right now so anyone else post your offers and I'll get back to you.
If I dont reply fast enough for you just message the tag on xbl.
Don't offer something lame. Kthxbai

I c y is perm banned broski
I c y - 31/12/9999 Banned.
S ky - Haven't seen it around.
Voltage - Brenton.
Vouch for this user. GLWS my dude
Brent has Voltage, but I doubt he'd trade.

IDK you can try. Hit him up, his FK is "Brenton" just search it up under members.

I also Have a account with mw3 20th prestige w/ unlockall and mw2, cod4, waw 10th prestige and come's with free tag change.
I have the Gamertag Semicolon, has 2000 MSP.
15th Mw3, 2nd blops 2.
Some gold left..
Chemical said:
I c y - 31/12/9999 Banned.
S ky - Haven't seen it around.
Voltage - Brenton.

My friend has GT: S ky He won't sell to anyone on FK or HF.
Prism said:
My friend has GT: S ky He won't sell to anyone on FK or HF.

What does S ky even mean? I have heard of sky but not this nonsense.
I have "Nauseous" on a 4year tenure and alot of dlc/GoD Great CoD main account, also I got the tag Luxuriance to offer.