HaloReach's vouch thread

did a deal with this fine lad and i have to say i was impressed. Dont hesitate to deal with his at all!
Bought small og insta off him I paid first no issues ++ would deal again.
Vouch for this cool cat done many legit deals with this kid onsite and offsite cool guy :)
Vouch for HaloReach, legit and friendly user. Don't hesitate to deal with him.
Legit af boy. MM'ed my deal. you know wassup lmao
HaloReach said:
If we have ever done a legit deal, please leave a vouch below.

User is legit hooked me up with a ask.fm. Do not hesitate to deal.
ivouche for ya you went first and i got your dream aim for ya lol
vouch we dealt a really long time ago but he didnt fuck me in te ass
Vouch for @HaloReach , i bought one of his aol and i went first with him. smooth deal.