Hanging myself


I'm going to go hang myself in my room. I'm currently being cyber-bullied by @Jason he called me a pest.
im sorry this happened ill make a post on tumblr about this and how they are bullying you one minute
Don't message me with some bullshit talking about the only reason you are here is to troll. I don't give a fuck.

Not to mention you're an annoying prick and you only registered today. I believe in giving new members a chance, but come on, kid. Grow the fuck up.

I vote multi.
Hmm.. @Jason as we can all see you're still cyber-bullying. You should go quit the internet

I vote IDGAF and STFU
Call him a pest back! Sorry that you're being cyber bullied.
Do it brah,

be a fuckin hard kunt and hang it.

LMAO jk dont kill yourself.
Kys oh and
Hey dudes it's Jamal! Check out my new mixtape - KidsOnFK..

FT Tracks like - Squeaker the God, You Mad You Mad, I'll Hack You, Swat That Nigga, and my new hit single " Don't drop my do-do-dox"

All money made will go to my daughter Shayquella. Thanks Y'all.
Monstercat said:
im fucking dieing rn. "dont drop my do-do-dox".

dont do it brah

say it brah
admit it brah
Monstercat said:
stfu no one asked you. <3 tho. i mite spare my life. people r being niec nao
ily bbe you're my hero <3
