hardcore forum


What is the hardcoreforum? What is it? And where do I have to go?
I am not sure what you are talking about, or why you posted this in this section?
Sounds like your talking about porn. This is not the forum you are looking for buddy.
He is Crystal Fried. He's looking for what hardcore forum can get him his next hit. Thats why we can understand him :)
Or any other forum. people are talking about other forums for more costly gamertags. My bad for the confusion.
Hackforums you mean? Where money cant buy you anything but stolen goods? Is that the site you are after?
Yeah that's what I was seeing. HAHA thanks. So it isn't any good then?
I like this site way better but thats just me. Its full of bad people who will do anything to make a sale even if the tag is stolen. You may get console banned if so. So its up to you but i dont trust it.
Alright thanks for the heads up. I will probably not look into it now.
Yeah man this site is good. Just give it time it will be just as big and safe.