I posted a Private Inquiries about this, I'll just copy & paste my post from there.
There are requests as far back as October 20th that have not been awarded yet, but then a few around the 26th-28th have been granted.
And yes, the requests from the 20th are valid if you look at the thread.
Starting here: (Oct. 20th)
But then these 2 users had awards granted: (Oct 26th & 27th)
And than nothing since.
To which Jimmy replied that he was busy, and to PM another Staff about it or be patient.
I agree an extra,
active person authorized to give out the awards wouldn't hurt any. To prevent the possibility of the same awards being given out twice, whichever staff that grants them should keep up to date with posting after they have granted them. Something along the lines of "AWARD GRANTED" or "REQUEST COMPLETE", if you go back about 5-10 pages in the thread, that's what they did.