Have you ever been scammed?

Well, I've had my past two gamertags turbo'd, a total of which cost me around $465.
I've been scammed for the most retarded reason for a 9 year old. When mw2 first came out i was around 9-10. And challenge lobby's were rare for then and you were able to get banned by it. So for my birthday that year i got about 300 bucks and i thought it was cool to buy all challenges and unlocks for near $150 from a website. I also gave the info to my account and got it jacked. I was to scared to tell my parents. And i never did.
I've been scammed twice. One was on Xbox to a kid I thought I was friends with for my account. And the other one was on here for a semi. The kid chargedback on me. Both times I ended up getting my tags back.