Hey everyone!


Onyx user!
Well, I've finally got into the RS swing again after being gone for about three years. Anyways, since I've doing good and plan on playing for a while, I figured it was time to search for a good RS community. I've heard of Rune Gear and figured I would give it a shot!

So, to conclude a long introduction that nobody wants to read, I'm Bcg (which stands for Bandos' Chosen Guardian - I know, lame. I'm open for other meanings lol. :)

Feel free to add me in game, or chat with me here! I'm talkative, like meeting new players and making friends. I'll be in W100 in the Rogues Den getting 99 cooking.
A little personal info: I'm 21, and in college. That's all you need to know ;)


EDIT: Sorry guys, I just realized that I posted this in the wrong section of the forums >.< Should have looked harder before I posted!
Welcome to Rune Gear!

For the signature;
User CP > Change Signature

User Cp > Change Avatar

If you need any more help, feel free to shoot me a PM.
Welcome to runegear :) btw your introduction wasn't that long, could be much longer, ten again... don't know if that was sarcasm *confused*
Hey, thanks to everyone that responded.

@Kevin, thanks a lot, got my signature and avi updated :) Let me know what you think of them. Also, are there any forum members that are talented with Photoshop or any other editor?

@ViN, Thanks :) I literally thought up what "Bcg" meant when I was making this post, lol.

@Gilaga, it was a little of both. Sarcasm + (not sure how you guys on this forum are, yet >.>) lol

Hope to talk with you all soon on the forums and in game! Please feel free to PM me in game, my friends list is always open. Username: Bcg
Bcg said:
Hey, thanks to everyone that responded.

@Kevin, thanks a lot, got my signature and avi updated :) Let me know what you think of them. Also, are there any forum members that are talented with Photoshop or any other editor?

@ViN, Thanks :) I literally thought up what "Bcg" meant when I was making this post, lol.

@Gilaga, it was a little of both. Sarcasm + (not sure how you guys on this forum are, yet >.>) lol

Hope to talk with you all soon on the forums and in game! Please feel free to PM me in game, my friends list is always open. Username: Bcg
Yeah dude, there are. I've made a few of the signatures you'll see around here. And @"Storm" is really good too.
Kevin said:
Welcome to Rune Gear!

For the signature;
User CP > Change Signature

User Cp > Change Avatar

If you need any more help, feel free to shoot me a PM.

Exactly what I was going to say,
word for word.
US Navy said:
Exactly what I was going to say,
word for word.
Great minds and what not...
Hey! (;
Welcome to Rune Gear, we hope you enjoy your stay here! :)

Your in college? im mega jealous
Bcg needs banned, for 3 years... He likes chevys... :evil:
Reaperrr said:
Bcg needs banned, for 3 years... He likes chevys... :evil:

Hey, hey, hey.... Don't be saying stuff like that! >:eek:
So I like Chevy's... I also like Toyota's, Nissan's, BMW's, Lexus', etc.

And.. as much as I hate to admit it.. there are SOME Fords that I would drive ;]

Does that help the dispute between us? Or will this never end?! lol

I should be banned for 3 years after giving away 5 accounts, hosting a 10M contest (also gave another free account to the winner, Reptarr), AND donated to RG? C'mon now.. be smart ;] lol

I love this forum. ha

Reaperrr said:
Bcg needs banned, for 3 years... He likes chevys... :evil:

Ford > Dodge > Chevy > Toyota, Mazda, Honda, etc.

OT: Welcome Bcg, you seem like a very HQ member and I hope you stick around for a long time. Nice Elite BTW ;).
Deception said:
Ford > Dodge > Chevy > Toyota, Mazda, Honda, etc.

OT: Welcome Bcg, you seem like a very HQ member and I hope you stick around for a long time. Nice Elite BTW ;).

Thanks, Deception. I've been here for about a week now.

I guess I never gave my background, though. I came here from another forum community (was with them for 4 years). I wont say which one, or why I left. Just know that the leaders and forum members started to fall apart.

I like this community a lot, so far. As you can tell, I've already donated and done quite a bit for only being here for a week.

Thanks for the welcome, hopefully you all will get to know me better and enjoy my company.

Welcome to RuneGear, ofc I've seen you in the past on here. Nice to see you make a proper introduction also. :) cya around.
Bcg said:
Yeah, I'm attending Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida studying to receive my Music Business Bachelors Degree.

Full Sail University



And you live in Orlando, WHAT THE FUCK! you got my dream life lol
Famous™ said:
And you live in Orlando, WHAT THE f*ck! you got my dream life lol

Orlando isn't as nice as most people make it out to be ;]
