Hey Everyone


Power member.
I'm Earl. Some of you may remember me from the old FK days. I haven't been very active at all lately, and I stopped coming as frequently around late 2014 early 2015. Looks like the forum is still fairly active and there are a bunch of new users, groups, and features. Just wanted to check up on everyone and see if there is anyone still here from back in the day. Thanks for reading!
Boy you a loyal user stay active FAM. You could be a mentor to these young boys like me.
Nice to see an og member come back to the forum! Hope to see you around more often :)
Welcome back man. By any chance, did you use the name Jayden back in early 2012?
Waverider said:
Welcome back man. By any chance, did you use the name Jayden back in early 2012?

Nope, but I did use Jayhawk at one point.