History on PSNs

froze had way more then two previous owners lol

and btw @wild the psn Twitter is owned by a sony rep
Downy said:
froze had way more then two previous owners lol

and btw @wild the psn Twitter is owned by a sony rep

i told him that but he wouldn't listen lol

and ok thanks for the info ill add it to twitter
Carson said:
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Froze: has aids, not sure how secure it is but it isnt as bad as some of the other psns like pro lol[/font]​
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Angry: one word: Anthony lol[/font]​
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Nasty: jacked account, ik its been passed around a couple of times but it's def a secure acc[/font]​

lol, no froze dont have aids 3 previous owners, 2 being extremely trusted. Really secure and nowhere near the word "aids"
angry, i had acess to before :D
Nasty , is secrue and is owned by @Sega

wanted to see how much u acutally knew

wild said:
i told him that but he wouldn't listen lol

and ok thanks for the info ill add it to twitter
No it has not, if your gonna say my shit is aids without knowing then you're gonna lose my respect.

@Sega you should be proud to own that fucking beauty.
Tbh tbis thread is pretty pointless because it just explains how nosy some of you people are. Also why PSN has been ruined by kids and their stupids antics such as scamming. Any of this information isn't really anyone's business anyways. Just saying.
sudsy jacked Nasty. so that would be 4
Anthem said:
Tbh tbis thread is pretty pointless because it just explains how nosy some of you people are. Also why PSN has been ruined by kids and their stupids antics such as scamming. Any of this information isn't really anyone's business anyways. Just saying.
I made this thread just to educate people on who owns what

if someone doesnt want their psn up here they could just pm me and i can remove it :p
dont forget about my boy Marvin he has pop & use
wild said:
I made this thread just to educate people on who owns what
yeah but sadly they will never get it lol
this thread is childish and pointless. just ruining the scene of psns even more.
JoshMMC said:
Can I get an AIDS meter on Grind

if you are buying grind i wouldn't pay more than $10 for it

the aids-meter is off the chart lol
wild said:
if you are buying grind i wouldn't pay more than $10 for it

the aids-meter is off the chart lol
good looks fam, how about fallen?
I really hate having to keep come back and ask but, what about,

VPN, Nose, Now