How did you choose your alias?

I got Mojo from the Austin Powers movie.
My old alias "get neutered", I created when I was at a loss for ideas 2 years ago. My alias before that included my real name, so I do not want to tell ya ;)
A good e-friend of mine goes by Sector. I liked it so I stole it.
I was driving home from school one day as I saw the word 'Solar' written on some random sign. Believe it or not, I was looking for a new alias at the time, and knew that it was for me.
I was looking for cool usernames on here and then some guy swapped his name Hope right before I joined like literally like 1 minute before I joined and I "turboed" his name on accident. If that didn't happen my name would be Invincible.
I was nicknamed jerry cause I can spell it with my piss in the snow.
Well, first I realized I was gay and then I became Beats The God.

Cod trickshotting got me into it. It sorta just stuck.