How did you find ForumKorner?

Well I'd heard about this site a few times from some different people but I joined yesterday because of @Terror Squad
I found Forum Korner from a guy on Instagram. his fk is @token i think...
I found this googling for instagram names for sale. Still trying to figure out if anyone can manage to un-delete one that I know is gone now.
My friends told me about it, so I decided to check it out.
@Luzifer told me about the site , Im happy that he did (* >ω<)
Heard about it on HF, I asked what FK was when someone said it over there.
I was searching for a marketing forum and Google came up with this. Hopefully I can make good deals.
I found it while searching for marketing forums as well. This place seems friendly.
I saw a few of my friends talking about, and I thought, "Hey! That looks kind of cool!" That is how I came to ForumKorner
I forget what the site was called, but it redirected me here. It was something like or some shit :p
I've known about it for a while. A lot of people I know on other sites have mentioned it. Finally decided it was time to make an account.
i read somewhere about a guy that hacked a live account and sold it here so i decided to check it out
Searching for OGs brought me here :p Glad it did looks great :)
I found forumkorner from @Shade . I somewhat knew about it from hackforums , but didnt ever register until Shade showed me the works .
Good ole' Google led me here! Also word of mouth but google is what got me to actually come here.