How did you find ForumKorner?

Some guy named SHIFT on "another forum" was talking about it.
But yeah I've just seen it referenced a lot. "Do you have a FK?"
Found it ages ago via HF. Never signed up until I was linked to it by a friend a week or two ago. @Jeffrey
I found forumkorner from a news website reporting about how some dude stole an account and was selling it on this site.
I heard my friend talking about it, and decided to check it out.
wanted a 3 char, looked up ' how to get teh real swegs like teh @Junior ' [Actor Portrayal - Not actual Dialog]
I was told to go here by a Member on that one Smelly Forum.
I was on HackForums and someone told me to sell my iTunes gift card on here since HackForums doesn't allow it lol!
some of my boys on Hackforums and ps3 told me about this so it looked interested
I got in a game with an og tag I can't remember who it was and everyine everyone in the lobby was like "Thats so og" and stuff so I googled og gamertags for sale and found this site.
Double Cup said:
I've heard people talk about this being a pretty good place for SM's, so definitely decided to check it out!

I actually found it through this homie right here.
I'm actually don't know how I came across this site. It reminds me of an old site i used to visit often.