How did you find ForumKorner?

Philly said:
I have known Kolton for a long time now tbh. Probably about 2-3 years I am guessing.

This is my first time using Forum Korner once i hit 10 posts il see wat its about
I don't really know when I found this website. I think I saw the forumkorner instagram comment on one of the photos of the instagram I was stalking lol. And i was like "oh!" It's similar to the other site. And created an account
I bought an Ad for my forums from BuySellAds.
My friend suggested it to me 2 weeks ago. He said this was a good source of OGs.
I found it from way back in the day (2012) from when you were advertising it on Sythe & Hackforums.

It's crazy what this site has become, congratulations for making a active and well standing site in my eyes Philly.
