How do you organised your bank?


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I fail at it, I used a bot to help me > looks decent, but meh. I want it to look like how those people have it in the bank videos where it's all clean and not like 16k monks at the top then a strength pot (2) and then a firecape and two grimy rannars.

When I tried legit it looked worse than the bot :(
It's your own personal preferance, seperate it into skills, ie: runes/tabs etc for Mage
logs/hatchets etc for woodcutting

all you armour and ammies and weapons.

It's whatever you think looks neat, others have their own ideal "neat bank" we can't tell you what YOU want.
Ireppgold said:
It's your own personal preferance, seperate it into skills, ie: runes/tabs etc for Mage
logs/hatchets etc for woodcutting

all you armour and ammies and weapons.

It's whatever you think looks neat, others have their own ideal "neat bank" we can't tell you what YOU want.

You can tell me how to make it look like those bank videos. Basically I like colors to match aslong as they're for the same shit O_O

I'm picky, I'll upload a video on my bank once this bot has finished (I wanted to change the order of the tabs)
I have your same problem, I used the bank organizer on RSBuddy and it was complete shit lol
Combat - Earning skills - Wasting skills
Try those?
*Earning skill = Skills were you get things, examples: Woodcutting, fishing etc.
*Wasting skill = Skills were you use materials to make things.
Wow, people are seriously becoming lazy with these bots :p

Anyways, I have always tried to do this too, I've never been able to achieve this.
Yea the bot made things easy to find for me but only the fishing tab looks good. Everything else looked like shit.
I set up 6-9 tabs.
Resource gathering skills, and skills that use resourses, aka cokk fletch
Summoning ad mage
potions and farming/thieveing
Money making

Add more tabs if needed
Something like this,I know it's not the best but Meh.



Yup I'm not that rich,I'm a guy who spends all his money on one skill to reach 99.And I have about a 13M stack left and about 14M in fletching supplies because I'm going for 99 it's 92 now.Yeah I'm not rich :p
mine is like,
-runes/ tele tabs
-pk supplies
-pkED gear

that is all
Crysis said:
Try and buy 2 of one item as a place holder.

Also, when you're gonna withdraw a ton of the same thing, always do the "Withdraw all except one" option.
I put random sht everywhere haha, cba to sort out even when I do it gets messy, just like my house i guess