how easy is to forgive?


Active Member
some are saying that"Forget and forgive"i know all of us are agree with this.but how easy is to forgive?you can easily forgive some people who done something bad for you?
I do struggle with this it is so hard to forgive. So many have done me so and wrong and it is very difficult for me to forgive at all.
i thing it is very hard that you have to forgive some body i think it is a god habit that you forgive them who are doing wrong thing towards you and i m also not forgiving some body easily i think i should developed that habit and it is a good sign too
arnelia said:
some are saying that"Forget and forgive"i know all of us are agree with this.but how easy is to forgive?you can easily forgive some people who done something bad for you?

For me, i find it hard to really forgive. I can say that i forgive someone who's done something wrong to me but deep inside, the pain is still there and i haven't really forgiven the person. it's just so hard to forgive right away. I guess most of us can only forgive the moment we get EVEN to the person.
It depends. If he/she deserves forgiveness. Sometimes it takes time to forgive someone who done some bad things to you but after that you will surely forgive that person and start all over again and after that you'll forget that bad thing. Sometimes it happens when you have a new friend, at first you'll be close bad one day that friend will do some bad things bad in the end you'll still be friends it's like a trial on how far you can be friends with him/her.
I'm finding it easier to just let go and move on as I age. But I also know that the hurts from long ago, are the ones that still bother me the most. Is this because they have been there so long that they are now a permanent part of me.
I think it varies how easy to forgive depending on how grave the offense or sin is. If the offense is not so grave it might be very easy, but if the offense hurts a lot it might be a little harder. One thing also that affects one's ability to forgive is pride. I think we must lower our pride sometimes to be able to forgive someone completely. Idon't believe in forgive and forget though.
Wow, to forgive is not easy at all. Forgiving is like taking the same food in a month. Though God has told us to forgive people who have sinned to us, we cannot completely accept the fact of forgiveness. TIPS: let's first completely calm our self and free from the freshness of sins against us, then after that; let us try to forgive the person step by step. Hope it helps. :)
It's really easy to forgive when the offending party is really sorry for what has been done. If I can feel the sincerity of their apologies, then it's not that hard to forgive. But when somebody has done me wrong and wouldn't apologize, it's really hard to give forgiveness. How can you forgive someone who isn't sorry for doing you wrong? Forgiveness can be given only if you ask for it.
it is indeed so hard to forgive but in order for you to move on and forgive the person who hurt you so badly you need to accept the fact that sometimes you need to be hurt for you to learned.
only time that can tell that's all, sometimes i can forget and forgive someone just in seconds but in some times also it need days, months, or years, so far that is my conclusion and my opinion about this thread.
it depends on the following:
-gravity of the sin
-the occurence of the same mistake (done to you once or a number of times by the same person)
-the person who made the mistake
-the person is asking for forgiveness
-the effect of the mistake on you

personally, i find it difficult to forgive the people i love most because i never expected them to hurt me. but i always end up forgiving them because it is easier to live with peace and harmony, it just takes time.
arnelia said:
some are saying that"Forget and forgive"i know all of us are agree with this.but how easy is to forgive?you can easily forgive some people who done something bad for you?

Forgiveness will come if I am fully healed and recovered from the bad thing the person had caused me. It is never easy to forgive and forget a certain bad experience. It will surely a considerable amount of time to forget and learn to move on from the past. If wounds are healed then I think that would be the time to forgive the person. However, it will forever leave a scar within.
arnelia said:
some are saying that"Forget and forgive"i know all of us are agree with this.but how easy is to forgive?you can easily forgive some people who done something bad for you?

I might sound different if I said that whatever kind of grievances or assault which can be subjected to wrong doing done to me, I can just forgive and stay away from the people who did that to me. It's my way to forgive by forgetting the people who did it, but not in all case. It depends from the level of offense they did.

Forgetting this kind of people to my memories makes me feel better. Rather than remembering all of this stuff again and again. I usually confront who did the offense to me and make a deal that I can forgive in one condition, stay away from me and never talk to me again, and you can have my forgiveness. It's like reformatting a PC when it is totally infected by a virus.

Friends come and go and in this way I can limit the people who gets into my life to preserve my happiness, privacy and of course security. Sometimes in this world, we need to limit our friends to avoid such circumstance of complications because it truly happens that friends are the worst enemies. We should know how to classify them if they can be entrusted as a friend.
For me, it is very hard to forgive. I believe when you get burned, you walk away. I see things in black and white, there is no grey area for me. So, if I was wronged, I basically disown the person. It is easier for me and them in the long run. No need to fight and bicker.
FOr me it depends on the situation on how bad that person did do something to you. forgiving is a must but for me it takes week to forgive a person.
arnelia said:
some are saying that"Forget and forgive"i know all of us are agree with this.but how easy is to forgive?you can easily forgive some people who done something bad for you?

good day to you, yeah but its always depend the situation because for me forgiving is a process its not an instant and it takes time.
meriamg27 said:
good day to you, yeah but its always depend the situation because for me forgiving is a process its not an instant and it takes time.

yes mate i agree to you,,sometimes we can say that,its ok now..but deep inside its still there you can't forget it.but maybe if you give all to GOD he will enlighten your mind.
to be honest, it i very hard to forgive especially when that person who hurt you the most is one of the most important person in your life. maybe time really would just at least lessen the pain but i don't think you can forgive them that easily. it will take time and more courage to face the truth
It is depend on what she/he did to me. If its just a small thing and just simple its just easy to forgive but there were some cases that it's really hard to forgive the person. If it something too personal and below the limit. It takes time to heal the wound.