How fast do you type?

I can normally type around 120-130. Though when I played warcraft 2 (most of you probably don't even know of it haha), I was averaging 150ish :)
i can only do around 60 when not looking, but i can do closer to 100 with looking, but with spelling mistakes.
55-100. Depends really on the sentence you are given, 55 if there is a lot of ' and uncommon words with a poor sentence structure. 70-100 if I where typing an actual sentence
kool_zero said:
This is while watching my twin 15month old girls :)

It depends. If its something I know what I want to type from my brain, then I type alot faster than if I am copying text from somewhere else, so I feel those sort of tests aren't fair.

The only keyboard I can touch type on though is my Logitech G15, I always make errors on other keyboards :/
i think i can type quite fast even though my keyboard is already very worn out i still can memorise the keys as the letters are missing....
btw how to test how fast i can type?
I hate apostrophes. I always hit the ; key first and have to delete :(
