How is your iPhone better than the AndroidMasterRace?

Based Prime

Active Member
Since I'm #Androidthegod, I'd like to have a good discussion with some iPhone fanboys.

Go, tell me why I would buy an iPhone instead of most flagship android phones besides the S5.
RE: Tell me why your iPhone is better than my LG G2.

Smaller and doesn't look like a brick.
RE: Tell me why your iPhone is better than my LG G2.

Tiger said:
Smaller and doesn't look like a brick.

Alright, let me fix this. Why it's better than most Flagship Android Phones

And the G2 is thinner lol
Forum said:
Becuase I phone has been generally proven to be better and more reliable.

Do you have anything to backup that or did you just pull it out of your ass?

Speed-wise, the only speed advantage it has is because the OS is so lightweight because of the fact that you can do fucking nothing with it that it runs just fine on the shitty overpriced hardware.
Iv used an ipod touche and oh god....i don't know apple users do it. Main reason i love my android phone is that it has a utorrent app. So it makes for easy downloading of songs.
Because all the cool kids have it......!!
jk iphone fucking sucks lol. Using HTC m8 and dont regret se'ing it
Trilogy said:
It's a fucking phone what kind of faggot needs to enjoy movies, games, and general media from their fucking phone.

People who like to use netflix and watch videos when they don't want to use or aren't near a computer, and people who play games on their phone when they're bored? Isn't that half of what you do on your phone besides calling and texting? Media consumption? If not, take down the whole app store.
Also the browser on android at least the default one is so much better. You can actually browse the internet with it
In terms of security and speed iPhones outmatch androids (aside from HTC ONE) andriod devices have good specs, but the OS itself lacks the capability to call on all of the power. iPhone is just the full package, Good OS and nice specs
Morpheus said:
In terms of security and speed iPhones outmatch androids (aside from HTC ONE) andriod devices have good specs, but the OS itself lacks the capability to call on all of the power. iPhone is just the full package, Good OS and nice specs

The specs on an iPhone are awful, they just give it a OS which is completely limited so it's able to run decent on the shit specs. Android can do anything I want it to.
Forum said:
You just don't want to see the truth about the matter. But it's just an opinion do as you please with it

I don't see the opinion here. I paid for my device, and without jailbreaking, I can do what I want with it besides rearranging icons. I can change almost everything I want about how my phone looks and feels, it's MY device, I spent my money on it and I want something powerful, something to get me through the day, and something more than just an icon grid.
You sound awfully angry, did you ask for an iphone for christmas and your parents didn't get you one? Is that the reason you hate them?
Tiger said:
You sound awfully angry, did you ask for an iphone for christmas and your parents didn't get you one? Is that the reason you hate them?

No, I actually had an iPod touch, and an iPhone for a while before I sold it for something better
Tiger said:
You sound awfully angry, did you ask for an iphone for christmas and your parents didn't get you one? Is that the reason you hate them?
This is best comment2014, and yeah man @prime. you sound real pissed
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