How many accounts have you had Banned for botting?

1. Woodcutting - Powerbot 1 Month of Pure Botting
2. Mining - Powerbot 1 Month of Pure Botting
3. Fishing - Powerbot 1 month of Pure Botting
4. Fighting - Powerbot 4 Months of Pure Botting
Wow powerbot sucks, ban galore, never been banned on on any of my 7 botting accounts
depends on bot, i use NeXus Client with the bots :D or perfectious bots ( best )
1. Obby mauler, 70 str 34 cb, banned for woodcutting (old powerbot)
2. Noob initiate pure, stat roll from fishing 85>65, powerbot
Never once have I been banned. Roll backed on MY account, but I was not the one botting.
should be good, Ive never been banned botting and ive gotten 4 99s, bottting so idk man

is use the Auto ( xxxx ) Pro auths, there all good
Never been banned,but I got rollbacked pretty hard. UHm I used Powerbot and Epicbot.
So has anyone been rolled back with And, while using it have they 24/7'ed?

I see the most bans occurring with Powerbot. :p
1. Auto fighter pro, like a week (like 6/7ing it -_-), NeXuS
1. Woodcutter, like 5 weeks, NeXuS (was 24/7ing that whole 5 weeks)
Around 20, Nx, Perfect fighter however they took 2-3 months to find them all and by that time I had made quite a bit of cash ;P.

Also, this was 24/7