Wiz said:
Have no clue never send @marley till now

Didn't know about you till today, but what can ya expect? I'm new :p
I don't think you should be judging by post count.

But I'd say 6/10. I haven't seen you around at all.
@marley 6/0 simply because I see him around, just no clue who he is
I think you have the highest rep lol, and I see your name at the bottom of my screen 24/7 so.
He is 397 more rep cooler then me haha<3 you bby cakes.
I've seen you around recently a bit, but I don't think you'd be considered as popular at all. I'd say 5/10.
@Reading Didn't saw you untill now, don't really know you very well. I'm guessing it is 5,5/10 at this moment! :D
Sarcasm said:
Seen you around 4/10, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR SIG @'Sadistic'

I rate you 9/10 See you allot and youre nice user,
about my sig: I don't know, I just made something and put it for the fun as my sig :}
Sadistic said:
I rate you 9/10 See you allot and youre nice user,
about my sig: I don't know, I just made something and put it for the fun as my sig :}

Seen you around a lot, entered my giveaway.
User above is me is always around and is HQ, so he ite, dunno bout popularity, but yh
Sus said:
User above is me is always around and is HQ, so he ite, dunno bout popularity, but yh

I've seen you around a little bit here and there.
I'd say 5/10 on my popularity scale.