How to clean my Computer


Active Member
What is the best way to clean my computer
I want to get the best out of it and make it as quick as it can be but atm its kinda slow and i want to enhance this
I have a load of shit on it that needs to be cleaned up and my web search is fucked as well which i cannot seem to find to change it back to google
Any recommendations peeps?
1st thing I would do is run CCleaner on your computer to try and boost it a bit, next I would run Windows Security Essentials to scan for any viruses, after that head to system properties ---> Performance and tick the Adjust for best performance option.Check your task manager for any unneeded processes running.What Browser are you running?
Also, if all fails I would personally do a completely new install of Windows (assuming that is your OS) on your computer.

also something else, it wouldn't hurt to upgrade the ram on it, but if its a desktop you could also upgrade the CPU and Graphics card which would give it a good boost, you can upgrade the cpu on some laptops, but not all.
Also If you don't have one/if you can I would upgrade to an SSD
Fedora said:
1st thing I would do is run CCleaner on your computer to try and boost it a bit, next I would run Windows Security Essentials to scan for any viruses, after that head to system properties ---> Performance and tick the Adjust for best performance option.Check your task manager for any unneeded processes running.What Browser are you running?
Also, if all fails I would personally do a completely new install of Windows (assuming that is your OS) on your computer.

also something else, it wouldn't hurt to upgrade the ram on it, but if its a desktop you could also upgrade the CPU and Graphics card which would give it a good boost, you can upgrade the cpu on some laptops, but not all.
Also If you don't have one/if you can I would upgrade to an SSD

Thanks for the help Fedora 
Im using Chrome atm and the search engine is yahoo but its giving me no options to change back to Google
I heard if you throw it out the window then put it in the oven it runs 15x faster.
Fury said:
Thanks for the help Fedora 
Im using Chrome atm and the search engine is yahoo but its giving me no options to change back to Google
Hm try heading here chrome://settings/searchEngines and  see if it lets you change the search engine, if it's not there then add it manually by putting in Google for the name, for keyword and {google:baseURL}search?q=%s&{google:RLZ}{google:eek:riginalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:iOSSearchLanguage}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}{google:instantExtendedEnabledParameter}{google:contextualSearchVersion}ie={inputEncoding}  for URL (I just c & p from my side)
CCleaner, Avast, MalwareBytes

Defragging your hdd is always a good option, so is an SSD.