How to fully secure any tag.

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aka Freedom
This method here, I'm giving away for free to anyone. It would be useless making an ebook, most people know all the proper things to do except this one. You will not have to worry about it being called in or taken back when you get it with this one simple step. For the users who do know this, keep it to yourselves as I'm just trying to help out the members who bought their tags and deserve to keep them.

Post AND PM me for it. If you don't do both then you won't receive the method, nobody has shared this freely yet.

In a few days to a week maybe, I will close the thread. In that time you can just PM me, and you'll get it. I also added in a few other things you should do before this step as well.
I wanna check this out! I'll PM you now.
Sounds interesting. I'll pm you now.
Hey i would really like this. I'm pming you now!
Could you please share this method with me . I will pm you know.
Thanks ... Didn't know of some of this stuff.
This is a legit method. He just sent it to me. I vouch for this user.
This seems really useful. I'm PMing you now.

Vouch, this thread is very legit and full proof.
I'd really like this. PM'ing you neow.
I'll take this I guess, seems like it could be very useful.
Sure, why the hell not. PMing you now man.

EDIT: Pretty nice guide mate. Should help out those who don't really know how to protect their account.
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