How to fully secure any tag.

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Could probably be a nice method, all pm you.
id love to have this method. to keep back from the retards on HF
i want this it would be nice to keept a gt and not loose your money..thanks
I would like to secure a tag. Please PM me the method.
Got the method, haven't tried it but I do know, from conversations with Xbox Support, that this method has a high chance of working.
Got the method, and I can vouch that this seems like it would work.
Would I be able to receive this method? I'll privately message you now. Thanks Vapor.
I may need this in future references. PMing you now. :)

Edit: The method is very amazing and has a high chance of getting your tag fully secured. I recommend this method.
Vouch. This method is very useful and it works. Thanks for the share, Vapor.
now i have this an seems legit ...the method has a point that is very important .....
I am really looking forward to getting this method. From what I've seen in the comments It looks really legit.

Great info man. Just what I really needed. This is 110% legit. Thanks so much Vapor!
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