How to get $11 btc free in 5 mins.

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Stephen said:
Nope, And its not like you can just make more as they have to be real.
dam lol i have like over 50 fb but dont know how to make them "real".
Stephen said:
Yeah that was when i was paying people to do it but i couldn't be bothered to do that any more so i just posted it. I Made like $200 + from it.

Holy shit that's a lot from just this method.
This is so annoying to do on a phone.

When ever I go to send the Stellars to my Justcoin address it says "This person isnt on Stellar yet." Can you help?
Won't work for me it says

Our spam detection checks say your Facebook account isn't eligible. If you are a legitimate user, we apologize and are improving our detection algorithms. And we will release new ways to grab stellars soon, so please check back.
It doesn't work anymore says you have to wait a few days to get the Stellars.

I made around $15 BTC though :p
Should it take a day to receive my stellars? it says that I'm on the waiting list and will receive my stellars tomorrow.
Most of you guys were too late and are now on the waiting list.

I'm on the waiting list but thank you for the free $ very useful.
I'm going to do this right now, thanks for posting this.
OMG thanks so much dude i did this right now and on my first time i got $18.91!!!
I did this method but had no idea on the value and sold like 3k for $3. :I
Everybody has been raping these guys, no wonder the price has crashed already lol.
Some kid on the other site made like 11 BTC from using this method which is crazy.
My transaction fails to send it says.

Edit: Just recieved $15 :d thanks
How do you trade it into BTC?
I can't seem to find that part.
Vouch for this method, I got $14.00 for some strange reason.

Thanks a lot @stephen
Guys does this still work I am just wondering!
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