How to get A lot of FileIce downloads.


New Member
Hello, This is a tutorial on how to get A lot of FileIce downloads.​

Here are the Requirements.​

1. You must have a FileIce account. (Obviously)
2. You must know how to operate simple programs such as apex.
3. You must have Apex, MineScan, and A Minecraft Username Leecher.​

Here are the download links for all of those programs.​

Ok, Now here is the Tutorial.​

1. Open the archive and place the folder somewhere.
2.Open the folder and run Registrator.exe and Quick Ocx Register.exe
3. Go into the leecher folder and open the leecher.
4. Click Page Range, and something like 500-600, This will Leech accounts from minecraftforums, And per every 100 Pages, You will get 2000 usernames. (Most of the time)
5. After the leecher is done, Click save, There will be a text document in the same folder as the leecher.
6. Copy and paste the Text Document into the premium Checker Folder
7. Open MineScan.exe and Select the userlist.
8. Click the scan button and wait for it to complete, Then click the save list button.
9. Then open up apex, load the userlist, load some proxies, and get a pass list.
10. Click Start on apex and wait for it to complete.
11. Now save the cracked usernames and passwords, then upload them to Fileice.
12. Send the fileice links to all your friends, and post them on every forum you can find.

This method has worked very well for me and a couple of friends, I usually get about 20-50 Accounts per 500 Accounts i attempt to bruteforce.

My friend was extremely successful with this method, and has gotten around 260 dollars from this extremely easy method.

If you have any questions, post below, and I will answer them A.S.A.P
sockatobi said:
Nice try. The leecher is detected as a Trojan.Agent by MalwareBytes and is detected 7/43 on VirusTotal -

Those are false-positives, If you do not want to open it, then you dont have to.

And did you even read the virus report?

WS.Reputation.1 = This is a false positive almost 90 percent of the time.
Artemis!B28C1E123FA2= I dont even know what the fuck that is.
Worm.Win32.Rebhip= Another Extremely common false positive.
I deleted my previous comment.

My message to other:

Just use it with caution. The leecher program had results on VirusTotal and by MalwareBytes.
Currently at stage two, checking the minecraft users for premium. Gathered up 8K usernames from the forum checker :)

Damn it's been a good 3 years since I've bruted anything :3 feels good.

Thanks O:)
Thanks for the tutorial. I might try it if my account ever gets accepted!
Alexmr19 said:
Thanks for the tutorial. I might try it if my account ever gets accepted!

The applies usually don't take to long to get accepted/declined... Usually 15mins - 30mins
Great tut. Apex just sucks to crack minecraft accounts with..
Great tutorial, but do you know where I could a decent password list? Thanks
Nice tutorial thanks!
It's a decent method but you could've given more ideas on where to post the links as when you are on the internet, possibilities are endless. For example, facebook fanpages, twitter, youtube, vimeo etc.. There are various ways of promoting but the most successful ones are social medias. Just upload wanted content (Such as new songs)
nick11341134 said:
Hello, This is a tutorial on how to get A lot of FileIce downloads.​

Here are the Requirements.​

1. You must have a FileIce account. (Obviously)
2. You must know how to operate simple programs such as apex.
3. You must have Apex, MineScan, and A Minecraft Username Leecher.​

Here are the download links for all of those programs.​

Ok, Now here is the Tutorial.​

1. Open the archive and place the folder somewhere.
2.Open the folder and run Registrator.exe and Quick Ocx Register.exe
3. Go into the leecher folder and open the leecher.
4. Click Page Range, and something like 500-600, This will Leech accounts from minecraftforums, And per every 100 Pages, You will get 2000 usernames. (Most of the time)
5. After the leecher is done, Click save, There will be a text document in the same folder as the leecher.
6. Copy and paste the Text Document into the premium Checker Folder
7. Open MineScan.exe and Select the userlist.
8. Click the scan button and wait for it to complete, Then click the save list button.
9. Then open up apex, load the userlist, load some proxies, and get a pass list.
10. Click Start on apex and wait for it to complete.
11. Now save the cracked usernames and passwords, then upload them to Fileice.
12. Send the fileice links to all your friends, and post them on every forum you can find.

This method has worked very well for me and a couple of friends, I usually get about 20-50 Accounts per 500 Accounts i attempt to bruteforce.

My friend was extremely successful with this method, and has gotten around 260 dollars from this extremely easy method.

If you have any questions, post below, and I will answer them A.S.A.P
thanks a ton for this method..:)
where can I get a pass list? Thanks so much :D