How to get auths, passes, guides & more with Google.


Onyx user!
Most of you probably know this, but meh. I'm bored and I find making guides somewhat interesting.

In this guide, I'll be showing you how to get free passes,auths, guides and tonns more.

Google has this feature to search inside a website.
So, let's use that to our advantage.

In this example, I'll be looking for a Porn Pros password. ;)

Go to google, and type in ""
Change the thing inside the "'"'s to what ever you are looking for.

Press enter, and in the little options bar to the left, press "More search tools" and press past 24 hrs. (If this is for auths or something that gets banned fairly quickly, choose past 24 hrs, if it's a guide or something similar start with a month.)


Enjoy !
yeah, i have seen this before, but its still pritty cool share, but also it proves the security of these webstie =/
Well, if people chose "private" as the post exposure, it wouldn't be index by google.
that is very true, but not many people think of doing that at all, and thats were they need to be educated about :L
I don't seem to mind if they don't do it. More stuff for me ;)
Just got myself a Soulwars auth :].

Some of them do work. For example the hunter (24xz50WQ8TS5PBA22) works in but some of the others don't. Just keep trying ;)

And woot, 1000 posts.
Ryu™ said:
most of the ones i tried all failed =/

and gratz man :D

Keep trying and you'll find a decent one. Most of these are from dumps.
And thanks.
If anyone can find a perfect fighter or auto-fighter auth code I would be grateful.

I can't find any working ones after a day or two of doing this.
Ill try to find some. I just posted in the RG Elite section alot of Auto SOul Wars pro auths.
@Dyker; I sen't you a combat training bot, which is the same as auto fighter.. I'm pretty sure.

Also, 3000 points.
the_lol said:
@Dyker; I sen't you a combat training bot, which is the same as auto fighter.. I'm pretty sure.

Also, 3000 points.

waay you got your 3000 points didn't take you too long when you pmed me that you wanted the 3k points :D im still going for 1k :D
Old guide, but I've managed to snag a fap or two this way on a couple sites XD.
Vegeta said:
Old guide, but I've managed to snag a fap or two this way on a couple sites XD.

Haha ;)

That's what I mainly use it for. LOL.