How to Not Get Turbo'd

Very helpful thread Kirby. Im sure alot of people will learn from this.
Could you excuse my ignorance to not read the rest of the page and explain to me what Turboing actually is? Thanks
mhaggin said:
Could you excuse my ignorance to not read the rest of the page and explain to me what Turboing actually is? Thanks

I'm sure this has been mentioned before here, but turbo'ing is basically the act of trying to change to a gamertag that is about to be swapped or changed onto another account. Usually, this is done with a turbo program.

Our rules do say that doing this is not allowed even though there are sales going on everyday on-site regarding them. You could say that's why so many gamertags are turbo'ed now, because just about everybody has one.
This STILL is not applied to many trades. People need to read these old stickies before they do anything that could result in a lot of monetary loss.
You could also just run a turboer on your own tag, that's what I'd do. That's actually the only reason I own a turboer. Just putting that out there for anybody planning a swap.
No hate intended but this is basically telling the people who turbo what to do and to stay with it..
Strategy said:
No hate intended but this is basically telling the people who turbo what to do and to stay with it..

You're new, don't tell others what to follow unless you have a better statement.
Devise said:
You're new, don't tell others what to follow unless you have a better statement.

You're fucking new as well, stop being so arrogant, he's just giving his input on this.
I can insure you that this method does not work.
Most of these are common sense. But I'm sure this will help out someone.
Appreciated effort.
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