<html>NMDs noob tut

http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ download notepad++ from here
Lesson one

html is the basis of everything on the net.

< ****> -- this is a tag, the stars are just fillers for a different function
there are many different tags that do many different functions

for starters we have the tag <p> which is the tag for paragraph anything in between the<p> </p> is outputted to your browser in simple text form

try it yourself:

open up notepad(++) and type in
<p>this is simple paragraph text </p>

then go to file -> save as -> html

after you save it, double click it or right click it and open it with the browser of your choice.

end of lesson one
http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ download notepad++ from here
Lesson one

html is the basis of everything on the net.

< ****> -- this is a tag, the stars are just fillers for a different function
there are many different tags that do many different functions

for starters we have the tag <p> which is the tag for paragraph anything in between the<p> </p> is outputted to your browser in simple text form

try it yourself:

open up notepad(++) and type in
<p>this is simple paragraph text </p>

then go to file -> save as -> html

after you save it, double click it or right click it and open it with the browser of your choice.

end of lesson one
Maybe you can better start with title or colors?
this for the first lesson is not useful.
this is useful because its just gets the user interested in html because of how simple it is if i was a noob who came here and read this i would want to go search up more tags and what they do

the title and stuff is all going to come along
     <br>          First webpage<br>     
          This webpage was made by Velvet from marketswag.net

I think that has a little bit more :)
Considering you have only explained one element/tag of HTML, it would be better if you expanded to the tags that are in relation to the <p> tag such as <b>, <u>, <h1>-<h6> and <hr>. However, this is a very good lesson because it even gives you the resource that I mostly use and it is widely used by lots of other members :)