Resource(s): download notepad++ from here
Lesson one
html is the basis of everything on the net.
< ****> -- this is a tag, the stars are just fillers for a different function
there are many different tags that do many different functions
for starters we have the tag <p> which is the tag for paragraph anything in between the<p> </p> is outputted to your browser in simple text form
try it yourself:
open up notepad(++) and type in
<p>this is simple paragraph text </p>
then go to file -> save as -> html
after you save it, double click it or right click it and open it with the browser of your choice.
end of lesson one
___________________________________________________________________________ download notepad++ from here
Lesson one
html is the basis of everything on the net.
< ****> -- this is a tag, the stars are just fillers for a different function
there are many different tags that do many different functions
for starters we have the tag <p> which is the tag for paragraph anything in between the<p> </p> is outputted to your browser in simple text form
try it yourself:
open up notepad(++) and type in
<p>this is simple paragraph text </p>
then go to file -> save as -> html
after you save it, double click it or right click it and open it with the browser of your choice.
end of lesson one