HUGE accounts!


User is banned.
Heres a list of the accounts I own. Accepting offers. NO SET PRICES. Low balls will be ignored

430k Active Twitter - 1000+ RTs/Favs - Followed by famous people

110k Vine 5000 likes 500 revines

622k Instagram - 70k-100k likes

65k Verified Pheed - 1000-2000 likes

and MAYBE a 155k YT idk if I wanna sell this one because Its getting partnered by big frame soon.

How much are you looking for the vine?
Damn, these are some nice accounts, Pheed is growing, so a verified account is pretty decent!
How much for the instagram.
Are they real followers and what's the niche
Vouch for Snazzy boy. That twitter is active as FUCK.
Please pm me a price on the vine very interested
Mad instagrams you got going there bro if I get interested Ill send you a pm! :)
Malicious said:
Heres a list of the accounts I own. Accepting offers. NO SET PRICES. Low balls will be ignored

430k Active Twitter - 1000+ RTs/Favs - Followed by famous people

110k Vine 5000 likes 500 revines

622k Instagram - 70k-100k likes

380k Instagram - 15-20k likes

65k Verified Pheed - 1000-2000 likes

and MAYBE a 155k YT idk if I wanna sell this one because Its getting partnered by big frame soon.

get on AIM please would love to work out a deal for one of the IGS :)