I am going to be the next hitler...

Doctor said:
What the fuck is going on here lolol im lost -_-

Long story short. Philly went all crazy after not winning a dispute on paypal and decided to release his anger by killing 8 jews and a poor dog.

Got it?
Durantula said:
Long story short. Philly went all crazy after not winning a dispute on paypal and decided to release his anger by killing 8 jews and a poor dog.

Got it?

Philly said:
You guys supposed to not trip and just worry about the dog, and than I would say "see no one cares about the jews.".

I randomly remembered this today because I have sideburns and someone came up to me today and asked if I was Jewish.

When i first joined i remeber you posted that joke in one of those joke threads someone made:p
Jon said:
When i first joined i remeber you posted that joke in one of those joke threads someone made:p

Yeah I did haha I remembered it and its been a while so I said what the hell. lol
why would u do that, its cruel :'( well dont kill the dog, atleast.
I'm jewish and I find this offensive. Going to go kill myself, brb.