I like to know if coconut juice is good for health ?

I'm 27 yeears oldand I'm in the diabeties 2 but my sugar level is normal ,take medecines to keep in normal level but I feel good when I drink a coconut juice and I want to know about it.
Hello Eric,
As Far As I Know Coconut Juices Replace The Electrolytes That You Loose When One Has Diabetes.It Is Helpful And You Can Also Use Ginger For Circulation Problems .
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I personally think that coconut juice is really good for our body. Especially when it is fresh. Coconut is the tree of life!
Of course coconut juice is good to our help, especially if you have problem in your kidney,it helps to clean our body,i like coconut even not juice.
erickjose191984 said:
I'm 27 yeears oldand I'm in the diabeties 2 but my sugar level is normal ,take medecines to keep in normal level but I feel good when I drink a coconut juice and I want to know about it.

hi good day,young coconut juices is provide numerous benefits in our health, it helps to cleanse the digestive system and it helps to maintain the normal kidney function.
I think coconut juice is good for health,but don't take too much it will harm you,and even coconut oil is good for health also you can try these also.