I need help Please IRL trade advice


So today I'm completing the biggest IRL trade I've done hitting around $5500 in Camera Gear. I've sold things like dirtbikes/cars/golf cart but never item bundles worth that much. I'm clearly meeting this person in a public area such as a starbucks parking lot...My gf is coming. I'm honestly scared the man will try and pull a gun or somehow cheap me from my $$$. I'm just looking for advice to not get fucked over so please hit me with what you have.
Opt for police station
He ended up being this super nice older guy who wants a really expensive camera to practice with his kids I guess?(kinda weird) but we met inside a Starbucks. I showed him the equipment and demonstrated it and then we made the exchange. I did take 200 off the price because the camera itself didn’t have a feature he thought it did but overall not a loss because I had it marked higher than average for that reason.
Should have brought the pole in case that old man tried sum shit