If she ______ she's too young for you bro

If she doesn't know what windows 2000 is, she is too young for you.
If she still sticks her tongue out in pictures, shes too young for you bro.
If shes 5 years+ younger then you shes too young for you bro..

I derped and i herped and I flerped the house down!
If she seems nice, she's to young for you.
If she looks young but dresses like a 19 year old shes a slut. I mean, shes probably too young for you, but we all know you'd go there.
If she doesn't know what a computer is, she's too young for you, bro.

(This applies mainly to paedophiles who like very young children)
If she has a pulse, she's too young for you.
If she still rocks a ring pop, she's too young for you bro.
If she's on Team Edward, she's too young for you bro.
If she not up to your head she's too young for you duh