If you could choose...

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Well-Known Member
If you could choose how you died, how would you go and why?

I'll go first: Anything instant, I'm not fussy. I don't want to suffer or be tortured, just get it over and done with.
I Would like something instant as well if i were to die shoot myself in the head call it a wrap
I'd rather just overdose on something that could kill me fast, or just die in my sleep. 
I would like to take my own life, and I would like it to be an instant death. I'll probably end up overdosing.
defiantly go with an instant death most likely shoot myself in the dome and call it a night.
I would either want to die instantly, as if I got shot in the head, or I would like to die in my sleep.
Go out with a bang. Like jumping off a building in central New York.
It would have to be something instant - idek how, just instant.
If I could choose how I am going to die, the simple answer would be to not answer, then I'll never die.
I would rather die in my sleep because then I won't even know I died and have to deal with all the pain.
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