If you could have one username set, what would it be?

I would love Pikachu.
Pikachu everywhere would complete my life.

On that, if anyone does come across a Pikachu tag for sale, LMK and I'll pay a pretty penny ;D
100% mine would be Pokemon, if i could have that username on every platform i'd be set for life.
Ghost / War / Zombie / Love / Wolf on everything would make my life
I want Taco or Burrito on everything for obvious reasons.
'Love' or 'Satan'

Would be the great usernames to have on twitter/insta
Id love to have Banana! because why the fuck not
Would love to own a Instagram banana niche!
Interlude said:
Title pretty much explains it all.

If you could have one username on all social media networks both present and ones released in the future, what would it be?

Mine would probably be 'Thief'. :^)

i would want Dopp0 but some japanese bitch already took that twitter.
I would have to stick to Zay. I would be so happy to get my hands on that GT.
I'd say Wizard but its over used as hell lol. Mine would be something like Dragon or Conjure. Atm it's Wizardry I own a couple also Hocus to I own a few. But Dragon <3
Mine would need to be Taquito because those are GR8
Color. Wow, a plot twist that was.
Mine would be zeus (nickname), pussy (bc I love it), booty (bc it's great), porn (bc I masterbate to it) or doom
I'd just have 'Andy' for everything.
James . Just my name would be sick af.