If you could. . .

I would have to beat @philly in pool after my birthday this year ;)

Hangout with @cam bamalam

@piece ANYDAY

@achonos because he lives like 5 minutes away from me
this is a hard choice, but i would have to pick @BabyGirl
I would spend a day with @philly so I could jack his computer and make myself mod and free my niggas.
Shit I forgot @piece so I could play against him in real life pool, not online.
Anne Frankly, I hate all of you faggots. However, I'd be down to meet @fear or @jason . I think they're probably the only two I'd actually be cool with IRL. Most likely @sector as well. Too bad he moved away like a bitch.

Therapy said:
I would spend a day with @philly so I could jack his computer and make myself mod and free my niggas.
gg to you for being a faggot and not knowing that you're only able to lift personal bans as a fagorator here.  Good luck!
Alpha said:
i second this

that's okay, that doesn't hurt coming from you
i third this idea

anime house

@jiant boy if you don't. . . but foreal you don't even know me fam!
Julian said:
@jiant boy if you don't. . .  but foreal you don't even know me fam!
My bad cat, didn't mean to this twist your nipple like that.
@jiant miss me with that gay shit!
@jiant none of those words were ever typed by me.
no one cause i dont want to get finessed IRL lmao.