IG Raged and Pad.


Well-Known Member
Both of these IG's have been pulled somehow, if anyone tries to sell them please let any of these people know.

Lmao @dustdice good thing i didn't do this.
Why don't people fully secure @s. Rip.
Well, upset is the only person who could've pulled back since he had og email. He said he turbod Raged onto a fresh. Lol
how can i pull back @pad if i never owned it?
and unless you have proof of anything quit fucking accusing me cause im tired of it.
as @aware said @raged was on the other dudes freshie only him or the person who originally had raged can pb so its quite clear who pbd that lol as for the other idk
So what went down? I could help you get the account back it you lost it. So who ever lost it message me. I'm too tired to read through the thread, lmfao.
HaloReach said:
So what  went down? I could help you get the account back it you lost it. So who ever lost it message me. I'm too tired to read through the thread, lmfao.

@aware thinks i pulled back @/raged on instagram from him and that other kid things i hacked @/pad
HaloReach said:
So what  went down? I could help you get the account back it you lost it. So who ever lost it message me. I'm too tired to read through the thread, lmfao.
I'll message you on kik my good friend.
Chill when you see this please reply on kik.
Cause im not going to have problems onsite again for something i didnt fucking do.
Okay, @upset sent me the password. I gotta wait till I can reactivate the account. If it still doesn't work. go KYS @Upset

but if it does work, I'm sorry and we can be friends again. Lol
Aware said:
Okay, @upset sent me the password. I gotta wait till I can reactivate the account. If it still doesn't work. go KYS @Upset

but if it does work, I'm sorry and we can be friends again. Lol
the password was sent from some "hacker" who has said he was retrieving an account that got hacked from his friend in march which is him referring to me turboing it. He sent that password which is the password to the account just its deactivated. If you can please try accessing it once its done deactivating so we can put this behind us cause im not going to keep getting accused for the shit i didnt do.
He said he That he has gotten the instagram