Inflation... ?


Onyx user!
So the other day I was like oh I had junk to sell... Saw this and jizzed...


6 iron helmets sold for 60k?
That is surprisingly high. Same thing happened to me, but it was a Vecna skull. Maybe it is Jagex buying everything and it is there way of giving back?
Iron items, such as an iron chainbody are in extremely low supply. However, they are in demand because of (easy) clue scroll. I went through a period in time when I would go and camp and do 10 easy clues a day. If I needed an item such as 'iron warhammer', I would automatically set the price to 1234gp even though the market price is only say 14gp. Hope that explains why that happened ;)
lol thats pretty cool!
What dreams said.
Sometimes I'm in a rush of a quest, and I need a beer, so I go to the GE and buy one for 15k for example.
Also, have you tried buying full iron? You won't be able to buy one instantly if you don't add like 3k more.
I used to merch leather cowls at 10gp, sell at 1k, on my f2p account, I buy like 10k and check in a month and get a crap load of money It's retarted now because leather cowls rose to liek 40gp.