Free Bots:
Name: Powerbot
The Cost: It is free but there are paid scripts.
Ban Rate: Medium
Review: "Powerbot doesn't alter Reflection and Colour recognition which is makes the ban rate less. But there has been "Free" Script writers where they have tried to take the password and send it back to their email from the scripts. Also there has been a rumor about Powerbot hacking alot of accounts. One measures that i've heard is that never save your password to the database."
---- alot of the things you have wrote here are mostly false. Powerbot doesnt use 100% reflection, but uses some BCEL coding in it causing it to not be 100% undetectable, giving it a little higher ban rate. Free scripters do not put a password stealer in their scripts, because the people that test/look through their code will find that there is something like that and their post will be taken out, also i dont think its possible to put that in it. Also there was a powerbot hacking, done by a person named Gho$t, that was done in Rsbot v2.23-v2.25. All other versions are safe. It sounds to me that you dont really know much info about this bot client when you wrote this description.
Rating: 4/5
Name: EpicBot
I have never used EpicBot so i do not know.
Paid bots:
Name: Nexus
Cost: One time fee for one script.
Website: Many retailers such as
Ban Rate: Low
Review: Some scripts are just sub-par and require a little bit of work but nothing substantial. They are very good to bot with, since they handle anti-bans very quickly and efficiently. Nothing much to say except its very safe to bot with.
--- Nexus is used through many websites, and also known as iBot, which one of the main websites is . Nexus uses 100% reflection so its 100% undetectable.
Rating: 5/5
Name: Robotz In Disguise
Cost: It is very expensive because it is paid by the hour. [Magic Trainer 100 Hours = $12
Ban Rate: Extremely Low
Review: "Its has very human like mouse movement, you can bot in extreme lag and it can auto talker while you are botting! It is the best and safest bot that is out there atm. But sometimes the bot screws up [rarely], It sometimes logs out after a few hours and doesn't reconnect, and sometimes it scans nothing. But from the few bugs, this bot is absolutely perfect. "
----- Sounds to me that you havent really used this bot that much. Lag can really mess this bot up and cause it to shut down really fast. This bot is still bannable, even though it has "Human-Like" mouse movements, they say. But many bots mouse movements are similar to this, so its not much of a pro/con. Also the bot does screw up alot, and very small mishaps/problems can easily cause the bot to stop. I can say alot more on the cons of this bot, and not much on the pros because i have actually put more than $50 into hours on this bot. If you report a glitch is RiD, he will tell you its just a rs flaw, and wont change it. There was once a glitched tile in alkharid, that stopped many bots including RiD. i told him about this glitch the day it started, and it stayed their for months causing the blacksmith at alkharid to be useless.