instagram warning


User is banned.
Recently multiple accounts have been terminated for no specific reason at all. Recently the instagram @Demolish along with a few other instagrams have been banned and have been banned for conviniently the same reason. These had a turbo on them and all got turminated shortly after they were claimed. (THIS IS MY GUESS) My conclusion to this is that Instagram has been monitoring the ammoumt of times something has been "saved on" so say you leave a turbo on all night. It puts the clicks/etc in a log, so I believe instagram may be monitoring that log more now and are cracking down on turboes etc. (THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION)

(Dont mind my grammar i wrote this in class)

So i would be extra careful if you have a turbo and are currently using it.

Just a heads up.
Hopefully this is the case, so all the niggas that turbo get the ban, then we can all hand swap again. ;)
Trilogy said:
I always turbo my @s when I swap them as well as numerous other people I know and we've never been banned so that's not why this is happening.

I think that is because then you are on the same IP.
Trilogy said:
I always turbo my @s when I swap them as well as numerous other people I know and we've never been banned so that's not why this is happening.

But realize it has only been thiss week that accounts have been banned.
I believe Instagram receive a notice not only when the email changes. But also when the account unfollows a ton of people and removes posts. I may be mistaken.
Magic said:
I believe Instagram receive a notice not only when the email changes. But also when the account unfollows a ton of people and removes posts. I may be mistaken.

theres a specific log that tracks username changes. I BELIEVE it also tracks the ammount of times someo e hits save on a name.
hello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xD